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Table 2 Results with oracle DOAs for low-noise (left) and noisy (right) conditions. Each row corresponds to a fixed combination of STAs (Eq. 31), initialization (greenproposed DOA-based (Eq. 19), blueoracle (Eq. 34), or redrandom), and mask application (“D” for direct (Eq. 7), “B” for beamforming (Eq. 12)). The rows are numbered from 0 to 8 for ease of reference. Boldface is used to indicate the highest scores for each metric. We note that the STAs are helpful on their own, but not needed if the proposed initialization is used. The difference between the results for proposed and oracle initialization is mainly due to the respective behavior at low frequencies

From: DOA-guided source separation with direction-based initialization and time annotations using complex angular central Gaussian mixture models