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Table 4 Applied functionals in the ComParE feature set

From: Emotion in the singing voice—a deeperlook at acoustic features in the light ofautomatic classification

Functionals applied to LLD / Δ LLD

Quartiles 1–3, three inter-quartile ranges

One percentile (≈min), 99th percentile (≈max)

Percentile range 1–99

Position of min / max, range (max–min)

Arithmetic meana, root quadratic mean

Contour centroid, flatness

Standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis

Rel. duration LLD is above 25 / 50 / 75 / 90% range

Rel. duration LLD is above 25 / 50 / 75 / 90 % range

Rel. duration LLD is rising

Rel. duration LLD has positive curvature

Gain of linear prediction (LP), LP coefficients 1–5

Mean, max, min, std. dev. of segment lengthb

Functionals applied to LLD only

Mean value of peaks

Mean value of peaks—arithmetic mean

Mean / of inter peak distances

Amplitude mean of peaks, of minima

Amplitude range of peaks

Mean / of rising / falling slopes

Linear regression slope, offset, quadratic error

Quadratic regression a, b, offset, quadratic error

Percentage of non-zero framesc

  1. aArithmetic mean of LLD/positive Δ LLD
  2. bNot applied to voice related LLD except F 0
  3. cOnly applied to F 0