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Table 1 The best parameters setting given the best cost solution for all proposed algorithms

From: Integration of evolutionary computation algorithms and new AUTO-TLBO technique in the speaker clustering stage for speaker diarization of broadcast news

GA parameters

PSO parameters

Maximum number of iterations = 200

 Population size(nPop) = 100

Constriction coefficients

 Crossover percentage = 0.7

phi1 = 2.05, phi2 = 2.05

phi = phi1 + phi2

 Number of offsprings (nc) = 2*round(pc*nPop/2)

 Mutation percentage (pm) = 0.3

chi = 2/(phi-2 + sqrt(phi^2-4*phi))

 Number of mutants (nm) = round (pm*nPop)

Inertia weight w = chi

 Mutation rate (mu) = 0.02

Inertia weight damping ratio (wdamp) = 1

 Selection pressure (beta) = 8

Personal learning coefficient (c1) = chi*phi1

 Gamma = 0.2

Global learning coefficient (c2) = chi*phi2


Velocity maximal = 0.1*(VarMax-VarMin)


Velocity minimal = − VelMax


VarMin = − 10; VarMax = 10

DE parameters

 Maximum number of iterations (MaxIt) = 200

 Population size (nPop) = 50

 Lower bound of scaling factor (beta_min) C r min = 0.2

 Upper bound of scaling factor (beta_max)  C r max = 0.8

 Crossover probability (pCR) = 0.2

TLBO parameters

 MaxIt = 1000; nPop = 50; T F  = 1