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Whisper-based spoken term detection systems for search on speech ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing volume 2024, Article number: 15 (2024)
The vast amount of information stored in audio repositories makes necessary the development of efficient and automatic methods to search on audio content. In that direction, search on speech (SoS) has received much attention in the last decades. To motivate the development of automatic systems, ALBAYZIN evaluations include a search on speech challenge since 2012. This challenge releases several databases that cover different acoustic domains (i.e., spontaneous speech from TV shows, conference talks, parliament sessions, to name a few) aiming to build automatic systems that retrieve a set of terms from those databases. This paper presents a baseline system based on the Whisper automatic speech recognizer for the spoken term detection task in the search on speech challenge held in 2022 within the ALBAYZIN evaluations. This baseline system will be released with this publication and will be given to participants in the upcoming SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation in 2024. Additionally, several analyses based on some term properties (i.e., in-language and foreign terms, and single-word and multi-word terms) are carried out to show the Whisper capability at retrieving terms that convey specific properties. Although the results obtained for some databases are far from being perfect (e.g., for broadcast news domain), this Whisper-based approach has obtained the best results on the challenge databases so far so that it presents a strong baseline system for the upcoming challenge, encouraging participants to improve it.
1 Introduction
The huge amount of information stored in audio repositories makes necessary to build efficient methods to retrieve it. In this direction, search on speech (SoS) has been considered an upmost area within which the required technology can be effectively constructed. Therefore, this area has been receiving much interest from decades from spoken document retrieval (SDR) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13], keyword spotting (KWS) [14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27], and query-by-example spoken term detection (QbE-STD) [28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42] tasks. Within search on speech, spoken term detection (STD) has also emerged as a powerful task that aims to retrieve speech data from a textual query (henceforth term). Due to the enormous potential of the STD task, this has also been receiving much attention for years from different companies and research groups such as IBM [43,44,45,46,47,48], BBN [49,50,51], SRI and OGI [52,53,54], BUT [55,56,57], Microsoft [58, 59], QUT [60, 61], JHU [62,63,64,65], Fraunhofer IAIS/NTNU/TUD [66], NTU [67, 68], IDIAP [69], among others [70,71,72,73].
Spoken term detection systems are mainly composed of two different subsystems, as it is shown in Fig. 1. First, an offline subsystem so-called automatic speech recognition (ASR) subsystem provides the transcription according to the speech content. Second, an on-line subsystem so-called STD subsystem integrates a term detector to hypothesize detections from the ASR output and a decision maker that ascertains detections based on confidence scoring.
1.1 Spoken term detection evaluations around the world
Worldwide evaluations have been shown to be a powerful tool to promote research in different disciplines. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched the first STD evaluation in 2006 focusing on English, Arabic, and Mandarin languages and different acoustic domains such as telephone speech, broadcast news speech, and meeting room speech [74]. The IARPA BABEL program, NIST Open Keyword Search (OpenKWS) evaluation series [75,76,77,78], and Open Speech Analytics Technologies (OpenSAT) evaluation series have also allowed to compare STD technology within a common and standard framework on noisy conditions and under-resourced languages such as Cantonese, Pashto, Tagalog, Swahili, Tamil, to name a few [46, 48, 50, 51, 65, 79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93] during the 2010s.
On the other hand, STD evaluations have also been held in the framework of the NTCIR conferences for Japanese language and spontaneous speech from workshops between 2011 and 2016 [94,95,96,97].
Recently, in 2021, Interspeech conference held the Auto-KWS 2021 Challenge [98], in which participants had to build a customized keyword spotting system where the target device can only be awakened by an enrolled speaker with his/her specified keyword. Therefore, this challenge combined keyword spotting and speaker verification tasks in a single evaluation. English and Chinese languages were addressed in this challenge.
Focusing on search on speech and Spanish language, SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation challenges were launched from 2012 every 2 years aiming to promote research on search on speech in Spanish. One of the tasks that this evaluation challenge addresses is STD. Participants, therefore, have a common framework to evaluate their STD systems on a single but complete evaluation that integrates several acoustic domains and term sets [99,100,101,102]. This ALBAYZIN STD task differs from the other evaluations held around the world in the target language and the different domains that the ALBAYZIN STD task provides to participants to measure the generalization capability of the submitted systems in different domains. In addition, each new challenge adds more complexity with respect to the previous one by including new and more challenging terms, new databases, etc. To allow for comparison among different evaluation editions, one of the databases (the MAVIR database [102] described in Section 3.1) has been included in all the editions of the SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation challenges.
1.2 Motivation and organization of this paper
Whisper ASR system from OpenAI company has been shown to be an outstanding speech recognizer for many languages spoken around the world [103]. Aiming to provide a strong baseline for the STD task in the upcoming SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge to be held during IberSPEECH conference in 2024, this paper presents an STD system based on the Whisper ASR system and evaluates it on the data provided by the ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge held in 2022. To the best of our knowledge, this is first time that the Whisper ASR system is used for the STD task and is evaluated on real data from a certain evaluation campaign on Spanish language.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents an overview of the systems that have been submitted to the STD task within the SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation challenges. The databases used for the challenge held in 2022 are presented in Section 3, along with the term selection procedure. The evaluation metrics employed to measure system performance are presented in Section 4. The Whisper ASR and STD systems are presented in Section 5, and the results of the ASR and STD systems are discussed in Section 6. Additional analyses based on term properties are presented in Section 7, and the paper is concluded in Section 8.
2 Overview of the systems submitted to the STD task within the search on speech ALBAYZIN challenge
A wide variety of STD systems were submitted to the STD task within the SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation challenges from 2012. Most of them are largely based on the hidden Markov model toolkit (HTK) [99] and Kaldi toolkit for ASR decoding [99,100,101,102]. Additionally, participants also submitted systems based on their own speech recognition system [99].
Most of the systems employ word-based ASR to obtain word lattices or 1-best word output within which the terms are detected. However, there are also systems that address the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) issue of those word-based systems by resorting to sub-word (i.e., phoneme) ASR [99, 100].
Additionally, fusion techniques were also shown to be effective for system performance improvement [99,100,101]. Synthesis-based approaches to convert textual terms into acoustic queries and search based on QbE-STD were also researched in [100, 101].
3 Databases
Three different databases that convey different domains have been used for the spoken term detection task within the search on speech ALBAYZIN 2022 evaluation challenge: MAVIR database, which consists of spontaneous speech from conference talks, RTVE22 database, which consists of speech from several TV programs within the broadcast news domain, and SPARL22 database, which consists of speech from several Spanish parliament sessions.
3.1 MAVIR database
This database comprises data from Spanish conference talks within MAVIR workshops held in 2006, 2007, and 2008 [104]. Specifically, three different datasets were released for the challenge purposes: training dataset, which amounts to about 4 h of speech, development dataset, which amounts to 1 h of speech, and test dataset, with 2 h of speech, in total. The number of terms and the number of occurrences of each term along with other meaningful database information are presented in Table 1 for development and test data. It must be noted that neither a list of terms nor their timestamps in the corresponding audio have been provided for the training data.
More information regarding this database can be found in [102], which is freely available for research purposes.Footnote 1
3.2 RTVE22 database
This database comprises data from Spanish TV programs recorded from 1960 to the presentFootnote 2. Specifically, three different datasets were released for the challenge purposes: training dataset, which amounts to about 900 h of speech, development dataset, which amounts to 15 h of speech, and test dataset, with 5 h of speech, in total. The number of terms and the number of occurrences of each term along with other meaningful database information are presented in Table 2 for development and test data. It must be noted that neither a list of terms nor their timestamps in the corresponding audio have been provided for the training data.
More information of this database can be found in [105].
3.3 SPARL22 database
This database comprises spontaneous speech recorded from Spanish parliament sessions held from 2016Footnote 3. Only test data, which amount to 2 h of speech, comprise the single evaluation dataset, since this database is used in the challenge to evaluate the system performance in an unseen domain. The number of terms and the number of occurrences of each term along with other meaningful database information are presented in Table 3 for these test data.
More information of this database can be found in [102].
3.4 Term list selection procedure
The term list selection procedure plays an important role within search on speech evaluations, since it should carefully take into account different search scenarios. To do so, the terms chosen for search were manually selected from each speech database individually to include high-occurrence terms, low-occurrence terms, in-language (INL) (i.e., Spanish) terms, out-of-language (OOL) (i.e., foreign) terms, single-word and multi-word terms, and terms of different lengths for all the databases. Regarding the OOL terms, those cover English language, since they comprise the highest OOL coverage across the different databases. For MAVIR development data, those OOL terms represent a 0.52% of the total number of word occurrences (i.e., all the words spoken on that dataset). For MAVIR test data, the OOL terms represent a 0.25% of the total number of word occurrences. For RTVE22 development data, there is a 2.76% of OOL occurrences with respect to the total number of word occurrences, and for RTVE22 test data, there is a 0.24% of OOL occurrences with respect to all the words spoken on those data. For SPARL22 test data, the coverage of the OOL occurrences is of 0.25% with respect to the total number of word occurrences. In every database, a term may not have any occurrence or appear one or more times in the speech data.
Table 4 summarizes the number of in-language, out-of-language, single-word, and multi-word terms along with their number of occurrences of all the databases, in which it can be seen that OOL coverage reaches a 9.2% of the INL coverage.
Table 5 collects the number of terms that are shared between the different databases and datasets.
4 Evaluation metrics
In STD systems, an occurrence output by a certain system is called a detection; if the detection corresponds to an actual occurrence, it is called a hit; otherwise, it is called a false alarm. If an actual occurrence is not detected, this is called a miss. The actual term weighted value (ATWV) metric proposed by NIST [74] has been used as the main metric for system evaluation. This metric integrates both the hit rate and false alarm rate of each term and averages over all the terms, as shown in Eq. 1:
where \(\Delta\) denotes the set of terms and \(|\Delta |\) is the number of terms in the corresponding speech dataset. \(N^T_{hit}\) and \(N^T_{FA}\) denote the numbers of hits and false alarms of the term T respectively, and \(N^T_{true}\) represents the number of actual occurrences of term T in the audio. L denotes the audio length in seconds, and \(\beta\) is a weight factor set to 999.9, as in the ATWV proposed by NIST [49]. This weight factor causes an emphasis placed on recall compared to precision with a ratio 10:1.
For system evaluation, a detection will be labeled as correct in case this appears within ± 15-s interval from the ground-truth timestamp. This interval is higher than that proposed originally by NIST [49] to encourage participants to build end-to-end systems, for which timestamp estimation was not so precise by the evaluation designing time.
The ATWV is computed with the actual decision threshold established by the system, which is usually tuned on development data. Sub-optimal threshold setting may imply a loss in performance that may hinder the capabilities of the systems. For that reason, an additional metric, called maximum term weighted value (MTWV) [74], has also been used to evaluate the upper-bound system performance regardless the decision threshold. The MTWV, therefore, is computed using the optimal threshold for the given dataset and the confidence scores output by the system.
Additionally, p(Miss) and p(FA) values, which represent the probability of miss and FA of the system as defined in Eqs. 2 and 3, respectively, are also reported for system evaluation.
where \(N_{hit}\) is the number of hits obtained by the system, \(N_{true}\) is the actual number of occurrences of all the terms in the audio, \(N_{FA}\) is the number of FAs in the system, and L denotes the audio length (in seconds).
In addition to ATWV, MTWV, p(Miss), and p(FA) figures, NIST also proposed a detection error tradeoff (DET) curve [106] that evaluates the performance of a system at various miss/FA ratios. They are also presented in this paper for system comparison.
For computing the MTWV, ATWV, p(Miss), and p(FA) figures, along with the DET curves, the NIST STD evaluation tool [107] was employed.
5 Whisper-based ASR and spoken term detection systems
The systems presented in this manuscript for STD are largely based on the Whisper ASR, with the suitable modifications to address STD. This section first describes the Whisper-based ASR system and then presents the Whisper-timestamped modification and the STD systems based on that.
5.1 Whisper ASR system
Whisper is an ASR system presented by OpenAI in September 2021Footnote 4 and released in open source along with several pre-trained modelsFootnote 5. It is intentionally based on a standard encoder-decoder transformer structure, as shown in Fig. 2.
The transformer architecture was introduced by Vaswani et al. in 2017 [108]. The key element of the transformer is the multi-head attention block. It is composed of a number of attention heads working in parallel. Each attention head takes as input a query (Q) and a sequence of key-value (K,V) pairs and provides as output a weighted average of the values, where the weights (more precisely, the attention weights) are computed according to a compatibility function (which is essentially a dot product) between the query and the keys. In this way, the output of each attention head is a view of the whole input, focusing on different parts of the input according to the attention weights computed from the query. In the encoder part, keys, values, and queries are the same (keys and values are the whole input from the previous layer, and the query for each time is the input at that time), as can be seen in Fig. 2. This type of attention is called self-attention because the attention weights are computed using only the input. In the decoder part (see Fig. 2), there are multi-head attention layers operating with self-attention, but there are also multi-head attention layers computing cross-attention weights, in which the keys and the values are the output of the encoder, while the query comes from the previous layer of the decoder and essentially provides information about the sequence decoded so far. In this way, the cross-attention weights indicate which parts of the input are important to predict the next token. In the case of automatic speech recognition, these cross-attention weights give approximate information of the time span of the input corresponding to each decoded token.
The main innovation of Whisper with respect to previous open-source ASR systems is the type and amount of training data: Whisper has been trained on 680,000 h of weakly supervised speech collected from the web and has been trained in a multi-task (covering ASR, language identification and ASR+translation tasks) and multi-language way (covering almost one hundred languages including English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Finnish, Mongolian, Tamil, Thai, Urdu, to name a few). Whisper models can identify the language, transcribe the speech, and recognize and translate many languages into English. OpenAI also provides small models with less computational requirements (see Table 1 in [103] for more details). In our case, we have employed the medium-size model for all the experiments. One of the most relevant results of Whisper is that is has been shown to be competitive with the most advanced ASR systems without any task adaptation, just using the provided models in a zero-shot fashion. Besides, its performance in English has been shown to be comparable to that of the most advanced commercial ASR systems and even similar to professional human transcribers. As other end-to-end neural ASR systems, Whisper uses byte pair encoding (BPE) [109, 110] to codify text into tokens that can be single characters, fragments of words, or even whole words or sequences of words. These tokens are defined in a data-driven way from a text database and a target number of tokens (typically between 32K and 64K). BPE is an effective way to interpolate between word-based lexicons and character-based ASR systems. It can model frequent words as single tokens and less frequent words as sequences of word fragments or even sequences of individual characters. A consequence of particular interest for STD is that Whisper can produce any sequence of characters as output. This contrasts with traditional ASR systems that used (necessarily limited) word-based lexicons to generate the predictions and could not output words that were not present in their vocabulary, giving rise to the problem of OOV words that could never been recognized (and could not be directly found in STD). This problem is completely avoided with Whisper. All these features make Whisper an excellent candidate for a strong ASR baseline. More information about the Whisper ASR system can be found in [103].
5.2 Whisper-based STD systems
Due to the power of Whisper on ASR tasks, STD systems built on top of that can be effectively used for search on speech tasks. Although Whisper can predict timestamps, the timestamps provided by Whisper correspond to the captions on which the system has been trained (i.e., it provides start and ending times of groups of words or sentences). For STD it is necessary to have, at least, the timestamps of all the transcribed words and the Whisper models released by OpenAI do not provide that information directly. Fortunately, a tool addressing this issue called Whisper-timestampedFootnote 6 has been released very recently. Whisper-timestamped [111] is largely based on the Whisper ASR system [103], but it includes additional mechanisms to provide word timestamps as well as word-based confidences, both of which are essential for STD. Word timestamps implementation is based on the cross-attention weights computed by the decoder in the Whisper ASR system (see Fig. 2), which, as explained in the previous section, contain valuable information about the time alignment of the predicted words. This information is processed with a set of heuristics along with the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm [112] to find the proper alignment between the audio and the transcription. The confidence score for each word is estimated from the average log probability-based method of the Whisper ASR (i.e., after taking the log softmax of the network’s output logits, the average log probability of the tokens chosen by the decoding is used as a confidence score).
Two different systems based on Whisper-timestamped have been built, which aim to provide a baseline for the upcoming SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation and STD task. The first system aims to detect terms that are composed by a single word (single-word STD system), whereas the second system (multi-word STD system) also addresses multi-word term detection. Both systems are described next.
5.2.1 Single-word STD system (Whisper (single))
The Whisper (single) STD system, whose system architecture is shown in Fig. 3, is a single-word term detection approach based on the Whisper-timestamped tool. First, the Whisper-timestamped tool is run as an ASR subsystem to obtain both the words recognized in the speech signal, along with their timestamps and confidence scores. An excerpt example in json format of the Whisper-timestamped tool output that shows the words recognized in a certain time interval along with the words, timestamps, and scores is shown next:
“segments": [
“id”: 0,
“seek”: 0,
“start”: 0.34,
“end”: 7.16,
“text”: “Muchas gracias Julio, buenos días. Adolfo Corujo, León, Dilbert, para qué le diría que improvisara.”,
“tokens": [
“temperature”: 0.0,
“avg_logprob”: -0.1973336197947728,
“compression_ratio”: 1.482394366197183,
“no_speech_prob”: 0.09470756351947784,
“confidence”: 0.78,
“words”: [
“text”: “Muchas”,
“start”: 0.34,
“end”: 0.64,
“confidence”: 0.755
“text”: “gracias”,
“start”: 0.64,
“end”: 1.02,
“confidence”: 0.988
“text”: “Julio,”,
“start”: 1.02,
“end”: 1.68,
“confidence”: 0.645
“text”: “buenos”,
“start”: 1.98,
“end”: 2.24,
“confidence”: 0.967
“text”: “días.”,
“start”: 2.24,
“end”: 2.68,
“confidence”: 0.669
“text”: “Adolfo”,
“start”: 3.16,
“end”: 3.6,
“confidence”: 0.812
“text”: “Corujo,”,
“start”: 3.6,
“end”: 3.96,
“confidence”: 0.958
“text”: “León,”,
“start”: 4.1,
“end”: 4.46,
“confidence”: 0.884
“text”: “Dilbert,”,
“start”: 4.64,
“end”: 5.18,
“confidence”: 0.692
“text”: “para”,
“start”: 5.84,
“end’: 5.98,
“confidence”: 0.487
Then, a single-word term detector searches for the word of the given term in the output of the ASR subsystem. To do so, the json output format file corresponding to the transcription of the given speech file is converted into a new detection file that contains the list of putative detections along with their timestamps and scores. The excerpt example of this detection file is shown next:
gracias 0.64 0.38 0.988 mavir03
dilbert 4.64 0.54 0.692 mavir03,
where the first column refers to the term, the second column refers to the start timestamp, the third column refers to the duration of the detection (which is obtained from the start and end values of the json file), the fourth column refers to the confidence score, and the last column refers to the audio file of the detection.
Finally, a decision maker ascertains detections by assigning YES decision to all the occurrences output by the term detection block (i.e., all the occurrences in the detection file). The output of this decision maker is an ‘stdlist’ XML-format file, according to the NIST STD evaluation definition [113]. The excerpt of the example corresponding to the detection file is shown next:
<stdlist termlist_filename=“resultMAVIR.xml” indexing_time=“1.000” language=“spanish” index_size=“1” system_id=“STD”>
<detected_termlist termid=“gracias” term_search_time=“24.3” oov_term_count=“1”>
<term file=“mavir03” channel=“1” tbeg=“0.64” dur=“0.38” score=“0.988” decision=“YES”/>
<detected_termlist termid=“dilbert” term_search_time=“24.3” oov_term_count=“1”>
<term file=“mavir03” channel=“1” tbeg=“4.64” dur=“0.54” score=“0.692” decision=“YES”/>
It must be noted that the term detector of this system takes the words output by the ASR subsystem “as is”; therefore, it is not able to retrieve any multi-word term, since the output of the ASR subsystem consists of single words.
ASR experiments were run according to the following command:
whisper_timestamped audiofilename -o outputdirectory –model medium –language Spanish \(- -\)accurate,
where audiofilename is the audio file to recognize, outputdirectory is the directory where the recognition output is stored, medium refers to the type of model employed in the decoding (medium model in our case for system simplicity), Spanish is the target language of the audio files, and \(- -\)accurate refers to the default configuration parameters when running ASR decoding (best_of=5, beam_search=5, temperature_increment_on_fallback=0.2).
5.2.2 Multi-word STD system (Whisper (multi))
The Whisper (multi) STD system, whose architecture is shown in Fig. 4, is built on top of the Whisper (single) STD system to address multi-word term detection.
Both Whisper (single) and Whisper (multi) STD systems share the same blocks, except the term detector. Therefore, to construct the multi-word term detector, the words output by the Whisper-timestamped tool in the Whisper (single) system are considered so that a multi-word term is detected (therefore a new detection appears in the STD system) in case all the words that compose the term are correctly recognized according to the word order in the given term. Given the following excerpt of the json format output of the Whisper_timestamped tool:
“segments": [
“id”: 0,
“seek”: 0,
“start”: 0.34,
“end”: 7.16,
“text”: “Muchas gracias Julio, buenos días. Adolfo Corujo, León, Dilbert, para qué le diría que improvisara.”,
“tokens": [
“temperature”: 0.0,
“avg_logprob”: -0.1973336197947728,
“compression_ratio”: 1.482394366197183,
“no_speech_prob”: 0.09470756351947784,
“confidence”: 0.78,
“words”: [
“text”: “Muchas”,
“start”: 0.34,
“end”: 0.64,
“confidence”: 0.755
“text”: “gracias”,
“start”: 0.64,
“end”: 1.02,
“confidence”: 0.988
“text”: “Julio,”,
“start”: 1.02,
“end”: 1.68,
“confidence”: 0.645
“text”: “buenos”,
“start”: 1.98,
“end”: 2.24,
“confidence”: 0.967
“text”: “días.”,
“start”: 2.24,
“end”: 2.68,
“confidence”: 0.669
“text”: “Adolfo”,
“start”: 3.16,
“end”: 3.6,
“confidence”: 0.812
“text”: “Corujo,”,
“start”: 3.6,
“end”: 3.96,
“confidence”: 0.958
“text”: “León,”,
“start”: 4.1,
“end”: 4.46,
“confidence”: 0.884
“text”: “Dilbert,”,
“start”: 4.64,
“end”: 5.18,
“confidence”: 0.692
“text”: “para”,
“start”: 5.84,
“end’: 5.98,
“confidence”: 0.487
the corresponding excerpt example of the multi-word term detector is show next:
gracias 0.64 0.38 0.988 mavir03
adolfo_corujo 3.16 0.8 0.885 mavir03
dilbert 4.64 0.54 0.692 mavir03,
where the term adolfo corujo, which consists of two words (that are separated with _ symbol) and therefore is missed in the Whisper (single) STD system, is detected with this enhanced multi-word term detector.
As it can be seen in the multi-word term detector output, the start and end timestamps given to the multi-word term detection are the initial timestamp of the first word of the term and the end timestamp of the last word of the term. Regarding the confidence score given to the detection, this is computed as the average of all the individual confidence scores for every word in the term.
The decision maker assigns YES decision to all the detections (as in the Whisper (single) STD system), so that the corresponding output excerpt of that block is as follows:
<stdlist termlist_filename=“resultMAVIR.xml” indexing_time=“1.000” language=“spanish” index_size=“1” system_id=“STD”>
<detected_termlist termid=“gracias” term_search_time=“24.3” oov_term_count=“1”>
<term file=“mavir03” channel=“1” tbeg=“0.64” dur=“0.38” score=“0.988” decision=“YES”/>
<detected_termlist termid=“adolfo_corujo” term_search_time=“24.3” oov_term_count=“1”>
<term file=“mavir03” channel=“1” tbeg=“3.16” dur=“0.8” score=“0.885” decision=“YES”/>
<detected_termlist termid=“dilbert” term_search_time=“24.3” oov_term_count=“1”>
<term file=“mavir03” channel=“1” tbeg=“4.64” dur=“0.54” score=“0.692” decision=“YES”/>
6 Results and discussion
This section presents the results obtained with both the Whisper-based ASR system and the two STD systems built on top of the ASR system. It must be noted that the development file within the RTVE22 data named millennium-20171211.aac was removed from the experiments, due to the high amount of errors included in the ground-truth, which made impossible a fair ASR and STD evaluation. In addition, the file named LN24H-20160121.aac in that development dataset within the RTVE22 data was decoded without \(- -\)accurate option, due to its lower performance on the development data. Therefore, this development file was processed with the following default configuration setup: best_of=none, beam_search=none, temperature_increment_on_fallback=0.0.
6.1 ASR results
The performance of any STD system is highly influenced by the ASR system performance itself, especially for systems based on word recognition. Therefore, Table 6 presents the word error rate (WER) of the Whisper-based ASR system for all the datasets. It can be seen that the ASR system presents the highest error rates on the RTVE22 data. This is due to the most difficult speech present in those data (i.e., significant amount of overlapped speech, music, speech with music, etc.), which makes it more difficult to recognize. Overlapping speech is particularly harmful for ASR. This is a real RTVE22 data example of overlapped speech between speaker 1 and the initial turn of speaker 2 and the output produced by Whisper, where the overlapping is shown in bold font:
Speaker 1: Esa es la hamburguesa que se van a comer.
Speaker 2: Los concursantes de hoy esta es una de las hamburguesas que se van a comer.
Whisper output: Esa es la hamburguesa que se van a comer esta es una de las hamburguesas que se van a comer.
On the other hand, the ASR system exhibits the best performance on SPARL22 data, which present more clean speech from parliament sessions. It can also be seen that the results obtained on MAVIR data are worse than those on the SPARL22 data due to the more spontaneous speech present on MAVIR data but are consistently better than the results on RTVE22 data since RTVE22 data present the most difficult speech conditions. In any case, the performance of Whisper on these datasets is remarkably good, especially taking into account that neither adaptation nor fine-tuning have been applied.
6.2 STD results
6.2.1 Development data
For development data, results are presented in Tables 7 and 8 for MAVIR and RTVE22 databases, respectively, for both the system that aims at single-word term detection (Whisper (single)) and the advanced system with the multi-word term detection capability (Whisper (multi)). The results show that incorporating the multi-word term detection on the Whisper-based approach does consistently improve the system performance. This improvement is statistically significant for a paired t-test (\(p<0.0001\)). This is due to the fact that more terms are able to be detected with the enhanced capability of the Whisper (multi) system. From a numerical perspective, it can be seen that the Whisper (multi) system keeps the same number of FAs that of the Whisper (single) system and increases the number of hits for the MAVIR database, whereas for the RTVE22 database an increase in the number of hits and FAs is observed. This causes a higher improvement in the MTWV/ATWV figures on the MAVIR database. The higher gain of the Whisper (multi) system on MAVIR data with respect to that of RTVE22 data is due to the fact that RTVE22 data present more difficulties for ASR, which increases the FAs, especially for terms such as partido popular and servicios de inteligencia, which convey most of the multi-word term detection errors, since they are sometimes wrongly pronounced by the speaker. This is in fact has led to insertion errors in the ASR subsystem.
The DET curves for the development data are presented in Figs. 5 and 6 for MAVIR and RTVE22 data, respectively. For MAVIR data, the Whisper (multi) system does generally perform better than the Whisper (single) system, since more terms are able to be detected. For RTVE22 data, the Whisper (single) system performs the best for high and medium miss rates and the contrary occurs for low miss rates. This matches with the ATWV operating point, since this occurs at a low miss rate value. The errors mentioned before when incorporating the multi-word term detection capability make the Whisper (single) system curve is better than the Whisper (multi) system curve for most of the miss/FA ratios.
6.2.2 Test data
For test data, single-word and multi-word term detection results are presented in Tables 9, 10, and 11 for MAVIR, RTVE22 databases, and SPARL22 databases, respectively. These results do match with the development results. On the one hand, the Whisper (multi) system performs better than the Whisper (single) system for all the databases, due to the enhanced term detection capability. These improvements are statistically significant for a paired t-test (\(p<0.02\)). To explain that best performance of the Whisper (multi) system from a numerical perspective, it can be seen that the Whisper (multi) system maintains the same number of FAs as that of the Whisper (single) system and increases the number of hits for all the databases. This confirms the power of the multi-word term detector presented in this work.
The systems perform the worst on RTVE22 data, which present the most difficult speech. ATWV figures on MAVIR data are better than on SPARL22 data, while the contrary occurs in the ASR experiments. This may be due to the fact that the selected list of term produces less confusion in the ASR decoding (there are less insertion/deletion/substitution errors on the selected list of terms with respect to the other words in the speech data), so that the words that contribute to the higher WER are the rest (i.e., other common and stop words). On the other hand, the similar MTWV and ATWV for all the datasets does suggest that the detection threshold has been well calibrated by keeping all the occurrences provided by the ASR subsystem as actual STD detections. It is important to highlight the same MTWV and ATWV figures on the SPARL22 database. This is due to the combination of both low number of FAs and misses given by the STD systems, so that keeping all the detections as actual occurrences provides the same MTWV/ATWV figures.
The set of terms corresponding to the MAVIR database is the same as that of previous STD tasks of the SoS ALBAYZIN evaluations. Therefore, a fair comparison between all the systems submitted to the previous ALBAYZIN evaluations can be effectively carried out. The best system submitted so far to the STD task in SoS ALBAYZIN evaluations obtained an ATWV = 0.5724, which corresponds to a Kaldi-based approach that combined word lattices for in-vocabulary term detection and phoneme lattices for out-of-vocabulary term detection and was submitted to the STD task in 2016. The results obtained with the Whisper (multi) system are much better, since this obtains an ATWV = 0.8685. This improvement is statistically significant for a paired t-test (\(p<0.0001\)). This shows the potential of the Whisper approach for the STD task.
In addition, the terms corresponding to the SPARL22 database include all the terms employed in the STD task of the previous SoS ALBAYZIN evaluation held in 2020 for that database. Therefore, when comparing the best result obtained in that evaluation on SPARL20 test data (ATWV = 0.5090) with the results obtained by the Whisper (multi) system on the common set of terms (ATWV = 0.8111), the power of the Whisper system when addressing term search is confirmed. This best performance is statistically significant for a paired t-test (\(p<0.0001)\) as well.
The DET curves for the test data are presented in Figs. 7, 8, and 9 for MAVIR, RTVE22, and SPARL22 data, respectively. They also show that, in general, the Whisper (multi) system presents the best figures along different miss/FA ratios.
7 Additional analyses
Additional analyses have been carried out based on some term-related properties on the test data for the challenge databases. These term properties include in-language and out-of-language term detection, and single and multi-word term detection.
7.1 In-language vs. out-of-language term detection
Results for the test data by analyzing each system performance on Spanish (i.e., in-language) and foreign (i.e., out-of-language) terms are presented in Tables 12, 13, and 14 for MAVIR, RTVE22, and SPARL22 databases, respectively. These results show that INL terms are easier to detect, since the term target language matches with that of the model used when running the ASR system. However, the system performance degrades on OOL terms, since the language does not match with that of the model in the ASR system. The Whisper (multi) system outperforms the Whisper (single) system for all the datasets and term conditions, except for the SPARL22 OOL term detection, where the system performance remains the same. This is due to the fact that there are no OOL multi-word terms on these data.
7.2 Single-word vs. multi-word term detection
Results for the test data by analyzing each system performance on single-word and multi-word terms are presented in Tables 15, 16, and 17 for MAVIR, RTVE22, and SPARL22 databases, respectively. They show that multi-word terms are just able to be detected with the enhanced system (i.e., Whisper (multi)) and that the system performance on those terms is worse than on single-word terms, due to the inherent difficulty in detecting terms with more words (i.e., the ASR system must correctly recognize all the words that compose the multi-word term).
8 Conclusions and future work
Spoken term detection technology can be effectively applied when searching on speech content. STD evaluations held around the world provide a fair mechanism with which research groups and companies can effectively compare their system performance on a common framework. This paper presents two STD systems based on the Whisper ASR system aiming to find a set of terms in speech content and evaluates it on a Spanish STD evaluation challenge held as part of the ALBAYZIN evaluations from three different databases.
Results show that the Whisper-based STD approach that integrates multi-word term detection capability does perform the best compared to all the systems submitted to all previous ALBAYZIN STD challenges held biannually since 2012.
The best system presented in this paper was developed aiming to be released as a baseline for the upcoming SoS 2024 ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge to encourage participants to improve the figures obtained in this paper. Improvements can be carried out from different methods: (1) constructing token lattices or increasing the beam search width in the ASR subsystem, (2) fine-tuning the ASR subsystem with a development set, by selecting the optimal parameter configuration in the Whisper_timestamped tool, and (3) employing more advanced threshold calibration approaches than that used in this work in the decision maker, among others. The baseline system can be found at https://github.com/javiertejedornoguerales/Whisper_STD.
Availability of data and materials
The RTVE database is freely available subject to the terms of a license agreement with RTVE (http://catedrartve.unizar.es/rtvedatabase.html). Requirements for downloading the MAVIR database can be found in http://cartago.lllf.uam.es/mavir/index.pl?m=descargas. For details on SPARL22 database access, please contact Javier Tejedor (javier.tejedornoguerales@ceu.es).
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This work has been partially funded by projects RTI2018-098091-B-I00 and PID2021-125943OB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and ERDF). Authors thank to Vivolab research group (University of Zaragoza) and Radio Televisión Española (RTVE) for providing the RTVE22 database. Authors also thank to Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla (RTTH) for their support in ALBAYZIN evaluations and IberSPEECH 2022 organization committee for hosting the ALBAYZIN evaluations.
Funded by projects RTI2018-098091-B-I00 and PID2021-125943OB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and ERDF).
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JT and DTT carried out the design of the search on speech challenge and labeling of the required data. JT built the ASR and STD systems. JT and DTT analyzed and discussed the results. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Tejedor, J., Toledano, D.T. Whisper-based spoken term detection systems for search on speech ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge. J AUDIO SPEECH MUSIC PROC. 2024, 15 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13636-024-00334-w
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13636-024-00334-w